Digital Participation Policy

At Emirates Schools Establishment, we are keen on engaging with you via various social media platforms and applications

First: Our Commitment To You

  • Respectful, caring and positive communication
  • A collaborative and professional team who is ready to respond to your inquiries without delays
  • Accurate information and service procedures via our platform
  • Your feedback is appreciated and taken into consideration for further development

Second: When communicating with us 

  • Please be compassionate and appreciative of our employees and their efforts.
  • Please avoid discussing personal issues
  • Please commit to proper conduct and laws
  • Please do not use any profane or inappropriate language
  • Please do not make any comments that would breach security
  • Please do not share any information that would violate intellectual property rights or disclose confidential information.

Supervision Policy

Emirates Schools Establishment welcomes your valuable feedback, comments and views that you may share freely. Your contribution will always be valued and taken into consideration as input to improve and develop our services. We shall have the right to ban any content that:

  • Poses a threat to security
  • Contains inappropriate language.
  • Violates the privacy of others or offends them.
  • Violates local laws.
  • Is indecent, obscene or defamatory.
  • Contains unsolicited messages or promotes any trade.
  • May be interpreted as prejudiced or destructive to any segment of the society on the basis of ethnicity, skin color, nationality, religion or status ... etc.
  • Includes group discussions or political debates.
  • Comprises a breach of intellectual property rights.
2/8/2023 2:58 PM