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 Digital Participation Policy Objectives 
The Digital Participation Policy aims to create a suitable digital environment for all customer categories to exchange information and engage in constructive discussions on topics related to the institution’s services, initiatives, and policies. This is achieved by establishing necessary rules and regulations to organize the use of digital participation tools provided by the institution, clarifying procedures and responsibilities involved, and ensuring the achievement of the policy’s intended objectives. 

Scope of the Digital Participation Policy 

The Digital Participation Policy applies to all topics, opinions, discussions, and surveys shared through the digital participation tools provided by the institution on its website or the (Sharik.ae) platform or any other platform affiliated with Emirates Schools Establishment. This includes: 
  • Digital Consultations 
  • Surveys 
  • Blogs 
  • Social Media 
  • Comment and Communication Forms 

Digital Participation Tools 

Emirates Schools Establishment provides the public with a set of digital participation tools through its websites and the (Sharik.ae) platform to receive opinions, ideas, and suggestions from customers from various community segments regarding the development of the institution’s services, operations, initiatives, and policies. These tools include: 

Digital Consultations 

Digital consultations are a decision-making tool that allows the public to participate in decisions regarding the development of the establishment’s services, policies, and initiatives by adding comments and suggestions on topics presented digitally on the establishment​’s website and the (Sharik.ae) website. The ESE analyzes the opinions and suggestions and uses them as inputs for making decisions that enhance customer satisfaction and happiness. 

Customer Satisfaction and Happiness Surveys 

Emirates Schools Establishment periodically publishes surveys to measure public satisfaction with the efficiency of its operations and the quality of its services. These surveys include open-ended questions to receive comments, suggestions, and ideas from the public on the measured topic. 


Blogs are articles written by experts specializing in education on topics within the establishment’s scope. Blogs allow the public to learn about the latest trends and initiatives offered by the institution and provide a public space for sharing and discussing opinions on the blog topic. 

Social Media 

The institution uses social media platforms to communicate with the public through regular updates on topics of interest, providing space for public discussion, receiving comments and inquiries, and following up on them. 

Comment and Communication Forms 

The institution provides various forms on its website for the public to send suggestions, comments, and complaints, enabling direct communication with the establishment’s leadership. These forms may require users to provide basic information (name, email, phone number) to enable the team to respond. 

Rights and Responsibilities 

Our Commitment to You: 

  • We will always address and interact with you with respect, attention, and friendliness. 
  • We will communicate with you through a knowledgeable, cooperative team that understands your needs and can answer your inquiries. 
  • We will respond to your inquiries promptly and without delay. 
  • We will provide you with accurate information and proper service procedures. 
  • We will be available to communicate with you at times and through channels and locations that suit you as much as possible. 
  • We will welcome your opinions and suggestions to collaborate with you in developing our services. 

What We Expect from You When Participating or Communicating with Us: 

  • Appreciate the efforts of our employees in serving you by dealing with them with mutual respect. 
  • Avoid raising or discussing personal topics. 
  • Adhere to public etiquette and laws. 
  • Do not post any comments containing inappropriate language, or that violate the privacy of others or offend them. 
  • Do not post any comments that compromise security. 
  • Do not share any information or comments that violate others’ intellectual property rights or disclose their confidential information. 

Moderation Policy 

Emirates Schools Establishment welcomes all constructive comments and suggestions for service development and decision-making. However, the establishment reserves the right to block any content that: 
  • Poses a security threat 
  • Contains inappropriate language 
  • Violates others’ privacy, or is offensive 
  • Contravenes laws, public order, or morals 
  • Is inappropriate, obscene, or defamatory 
  • Includes unsolicited messages or promotes commerce 
  • Is biased or harmful to any community segment based on race, color, nationality, religion, or status 
  • Includes political discussions 
  • Breaches intellectual property rights 
Non-compliance with this policy may lead to the blocking of participation, with the institution reserving the right to take appropriate legal action. 

Review and Auditing 

All public contributions and participation are subject to review and auditing before approval for publication to ensure compliance with policy terms. Any violation of the policy’s terms may result in the deletion of the contribution, and in some cases, the violator may face legal accountability as per the applicable regulations and laws in the United Arab Emirates. 

Policy Amendment 

Emirates Schools Establishment reserves the right to review and amend the Digital Participation Policy at any time deemed appropriate, in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws in the country and rapid technological developments. Users’ participation and use of any digital participation tool are considered as acceptance of the policy’s contents and its consequences. 


All contributions and discussions posted by t​he public are personal and represent the views of their authors. The establishment does not bear any legal responsibility for users’ misuse of digital participation tools. ​
7/12/2024 12:03 PM